Woanders günstiger?

Woanders günstiger?

Sie haben vergleichbare Rechtstexte bei einem anderen Anbieter günstiger gesehen? - dann teilen Sie uns dies bitte mit ( Wir werden uns gerne mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen und versuchen ein noch attraktiveres Angebot für Sie zu erstellen.



Sie beziehen Ihre Rechtstexte bereits über einen anderen Anbieter und sind an diesen vertraglich gebunden? Dann kann Ihnen die IT-Recht Kanzlei den Wechsel mit folgendem Bonus schmackhaft machen: Für den Zeitraum der Mindestvertragsbindung beim Drittanbieter stellen wir Ihnen unsere Rechtstexte kostenfrei zur Verfügung, sofern Sie sich bereits jetzt nach Ablauf der Vertragslaufzeit beim Drittanbieter für eine Mindestvertragslaufzeit von 12 Monaten an unsere Kanzlei binden - Sie zahlen also nicht doppelt!


GTC for Shopify - from 9,90 $ / per month

GTC + cancellation instruction + data privacy statement

Update service included

Can be cancelled monthly at any time!

Of course: Legal liability

More than 30,000 companies already use the legal texts of the IT law firm (IT-Recht Kanzlei)

Über 70.000 Unternehmen nutzen bereits die Rechtstexte der IT-Recht Kanzlei.

The IT law firm (IT-Recht Kanzlei) offers traders, who sell goods via their own shopify shop, suitable dunning-proof legal texts.

This includes:

  • general terms and conditions
  • cancellation instruction
  • privacy policy
  • imprint

More than 80 samples and instructions complete the legal texts package.

The legal texts are also suitable for small business and can also be used in any number of online shops of the same company in parallel (= multiple license).

Simple, convenient and individual advice

The GTC for shopify are tailored to the worldwide sale of goods via shopify and are made available to you in our client portal for download in HTML, PDF and text format.

Of course, we offer you the possibility to adapt the legal texts comfortably to your personal needs. Here we are also happy to advise you.

Whether integration support, legal questions or even individual adaptation requests of the legal texts: An attorney of our law firm specialized in IT law will help you as your personal contact with valuable advice, tips and recommendations.

The IT law firm (IT-Recht Kanzlei) stands for quality

The IT law firm (IT-Recht Kanzlei) has been active in the area of e-commerce and competition law since 2004 and is the market leader among law firms in the area of long-term dealer support.

The specialist attorneys of the IT law firm (IT-Recht Kanzlei) ensure the up-to-date status and legal security of the legal texts offered by means of permanent quality control.

We have already secured over 30,000 companies with our legal texts. This guarantees the quality of the IT law firm's legal texts.

Protection from warnings: We care for your shopify GTC

You get the attorney-protected shopify general terms and conditions already from 9.90 $ per month. Included is a legal maintenance service, which ensures the permanent legal security of the legal texts.

Whether changes in laws, new judgments or warnings, the legal texts are regularly updated and extended by us if necessary. In doing so, we also focus strongly on the practical requirements of online trading. We owe the knowledge of those requirements to a large extent to our clients.

It goes without saying that the IT law firm (IT-Recht Kanzlei) is liable for the warning security of its legal texts, as already legally required for law firms. This includes, for example, the exemption from costs arising from a warning due to our legal texts as well as the exemption from costs arising from a court dispute in connection with our legal texts.

Quickly available, full cost control and monthly cancellable!

We provide you with the terms and conditions for shopify shops immediately after your order. There is no setup fee.

We know the dynamics of online trading and therefore offer you maximum flexibility and cost control when using our legal texts: You can cancel our maintenance service at any time on a monthly basis.

The IT law firm’s general terms and conditions can handle what?

The shop terms and conditions take into account the relevant regulations for online trade such as the EU Consumer Rights Directive and the relevant provisions of the German Civil Code (BGB) and the Introductory Law to the German Civil Code (EGBGB).

In addition, the GTC master the following issues which are particularly relevant to online trading:

  • Deliveries that are carried out by freight forwarder "free kerbstone edge",
  • Retention of title in the event of the seller's obligation to perform in advance,
  • Limitation of liability for defects - e.g. for used goods,
  • Agreement on German sales law to be applied for contracts with foreign buyers,
  • Exclusion of the right of cancellation for consumers from non-EU member states,
  • Exemption from liability in the event of infringement of third-party rights (customizable products),
  • Sale and redemption of gift vouchers,
  • Redemption of free promotional vouchers,
  • Repair of the customer's items (which can be sent as parcels) at the trader’s place of business (not covered by legal warranty rights).

Free customer rating system with Google integration

The ShopVote rating system enables traders to make the quality of their online shop transparent through reliable and serious customer ratings. The rating stars are visible on Google Adwords, Google Shopping and in the organic Google search results.

The use of the rating system is not associated with any costs for our clients.

Alternative zur Einzelbuchung: Unsere Schutzpakete


Ideal für Multi-Seller
24,90 € mtl.*
Rechtstexte für 5 Präsenzen
z.B für Amazon, kasuwa, Etsy, eBay, Online-Shop


Für Ihren umfassenden Schutz
54,90 € mtl.*
Rechtstexte für Deutschland und international
70 AGB + Shopabsicherung

* Unsere Preise verstehen sich zzgl. USt. (Mindestvertragslaufzeit Premium Paket nur 1 Monat, Unlimited Paket nur 12 Monate. Danach jederzeit zum Monatsende kündbar.)

© 2004-2024 · IT-Recht Kanzlei